Why I Heart My Media

Media (in all its forms) play such a big part in my life, wether it’s for school, work, social connections or just pure enjoyment. I have spent many an hour online mindlessly scrolling through Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Tumblr (you name it, I probably have an account for it) just for a good laugh.

I went traveling to the other side of the world last year for five months. Without media, I would’ve never taken that trip. The fact that home was more than a 24 hour flight away was terrifying, but because I had media, I could text and call my family and friends at any given moment. Usually this was somewhere in the middle of the night because of that damn time difference, but hey, we could still talk. Media has given me this opportunity to discover parts of the world on my own, with ‘home’ right in my pocket.

Most of my personality has been formed by social media as well. If I think something’s funny, I probably found it on the internet. Humor is very important to me, and knowing that people all around the world can understand some very meta meme that I (or someone else) posted, and that they are laughing with me, is so cool. The meme I attached to this text is one of those memes that you will get if you spend as much time on the internet as I do, so if you don’t get it, consider yourself lucky (or unlucky, for that matter)

Julia Wegman

Published by Life in Media

Website dedicated to the Media Life/Life in Media project of Mark Deuze, Professor of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands).

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